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BLOG: 'For every £1 spent, companies get £5 back if they invest in staff mental health'

Kate Jackson • Feb 07, 2022

Companies and organisations who are making positive moves to support the mental health of their staff and membership are seeing a happier workforce... and more financial benefits too.

A group of smiling people hold mental health first aid certificates
One of the few benefits that have emerged out of the UK’s struggle against the Covid-19 pandemic was how many businesses and organisations have made really positive moves to support the mental health of their members and staff.
I have been hugely encouraged by the amount of people who have approached me over the past 18 months and asked me what courses, training and learning methods are available to them. Training that not only offers support to their members and staff but crucially, suggests ways in which those members and staff can help themselves and their colleagues.
With a large surge in mental health difficulties across all age groups since the pandemic took a hold, businesses and organisations are realising that time and money invested into being pro-active, as opposed to just reactive, can really pay dividends.

Mental health support
In those past 18 months, I have engaged with huge multi-nationals, SMEs, groups of schools, churches and many more to offer mental health support which I know will pay dividends for both managers and staff in the future.
So it was interesting to read a report by accounting group Deloitte which explained just how much forward-thinking and pro-active companies could save in the long-run, if they invested time and money in mental health support.
It found that poor mental health costs UK employers up to £45 billion each year.
If you are like me, it’s hard to quantify the effect that such a number actually has. I mean, it’s just a huge amount of money.
But when it’s narrowed down, one line in the report really struck me. 

Reduced absence 
It says that for every £1 spent by employers on mental health interventions, they get £5 back in reduced absence and staff turnover.
That’s a really stark fact showing how pro-active interventions regarding culture change and education can pay dividends for all concerned.
Rebecca George OBE, Deloitte Vice Chair and UK Public Sector leader at the time of the report said: “As our ways of working evolve, so do expectations of employers about how we should support our people.

“This analysis shows very clearly that it pays for employers to provide mental health support at work and that early intervention is vital, for those experiencing poor mental health and employers alike.”

We all know how difficult it can be for both individual and employer when a member of staff is off work for lengthy periods with bad mental health. 

Taking time off work

But the Deloitte findings also showed how much productivity can be lost by people who actually remain at work, while struggling with their mental health. They call this ‘presenteeism’, where someone remains at work when they are far from their most productive.

Mental health charity, Mind, does some amazing work and their chief executive Paul Farmer added: “Smart, forward-thinking employers are investing in staff wellbeing, and those who do tend to save money in the long run. 
“This report shows the link between prioritising staff wellbeing and improved loyalty and productivity, and decreased sickness absence and resignations. However, it also shows a rise in 'presenteeism' – unwell staff spending unproductive hours at work rather than taking time off.

“As presenteeism costs three times more than sick leave, we need to look at supporting employers to change the culture so their staff feel able to take time off when they are unwell.”

Supporting members and staff

Wellbeing Therapy Solutions is committed to helping a wide range of businesses and organisations by supporting their members and staff. 

Our recent work in this sector has enabled us to build up a wealth of topical experience which has enabled us to develop and adapt bespoke programmes to suit any client, big or small.

Our new premises on the outskirts of Leicester contains a training room which can hold up to 12 delegates during work, or after work hours.

If you would like to see what your group, organisation or business could be doing for its members and staff, please email 

WATCH: Looking for mental health support for your organisation...

by Rebecca Woods 09 Nov, 2023
“The kitchen is a place of solace, where problems are solved.” Nadiya Hussain (British Chef)
by Marjolein Cleaver 29 Oct, 2023
“People can’t just fit in anymore these days. Everyone needs this and that, just for them” Ahh a penny for every time I have heard something similar when I tell people that my job is working with children and young people with mental health issues and neurodivergence. I would certainly be rich but I would not stop doing the job I am currently doing. [Pause here if you are new to the term neurodiversity, please refer to my previous blog first] Understanding is key and I am completely understanding of people’s attitudes to something that they do not understand. So please, allow me to explain… Let me take you back to the early 90s (yes I was there before you think I am writing out of turn) with a huge number of office workers sat all day long looking at a screens on box-standard chairs at box-standard desks slowly but surely working themselves into screen-related eye problems and posture-related back problems. My dad was one of these dutiful workers who ended up with both of these issues, struggling through the day trying to stretch every now and then and drowning the rest out with coffee. Until one day, someone started to realise that these problems could all be prevented with screen breaks, better adaptable seating and that maybe we could start doing workplace assessments to ensure office workers were better supported. What does any of this have to do with neurodiversity ? Well, after realising we all have different body sizes and lumbar support needs, we are now realising that we have many different types of brains that equally need different kinds of support. We are realising that doing something in exactly the same way all the time is maybe not the most productive way to work and we can be just as productive with certain breaks and changes in posture. A neurodivergent brain is wired differently and responds differently. If ever I am in an emergency or crisis situation, please let me be surrounded by neurodiverse people as their quick thinking and innovative ways of looking at problems will most likely produce the best rescue. Neurodivergent people have incredible analytical skills, they can think at a dazzling speed and digest huge amounts of information … if they learn to play to their strengths and are in a positive, neuro-affirming environment where they can be themselves. I know amazing people who can do all those things mentioned above, yet crumble under the pressure of delivering a 10 minute presentation in front of a critical colleague. Young people who are so creative they could earn a living from their creations, yet are being told they are failing their year at school. The key is down to understanding their thinking patterns or executive functions . Neurodivergent people’s brains are much more fine-tuned to the world around them. This can be super helpful when assessing risk in a crisis situation. It can also mean that they live in a world where they are bombarded by sounds, sights, smells. The world can feel exhausting if you are physically unable to turn off the sensations coming at you. Neurodivergent brains are incredible at out-of-the-box thinking. This also means that arbitrary rules that are not based on logic can be hard to follow. That unwritten social codes can be completely confusing, despite their best intentions to be kind, generous and honest. (Honesty and being socially acceptable do not often go together when you really think about it…) That perhaps their mind needs a better reason to follow an instruction than ‘because I said so’. If you want to understand neurodiversity better, start to look up information about executive functions instead of looking up diagnoses. If you want to be able to better support a neurodivergent person, ask them how you can support and allow them to be honest – even if you don’t like to hear the answer. No two neurodiverse people are the same as they are all spectrum conditions, meaning people can be miles apart in their presentation. Most of all, do not presume every odd interaction, word or comment is a deliberate personal attack. A little bit of empathy goes a long way. Just check if they are upset or annoyed or if they just got the tone or words wrong. They will soon tell you and then you can work together and harness the beautiful power their brain holds.
by Marjolein Cleaver 11 Oct, 2023
Maybe it’s the new buzz word of today or maybe people just like to label old things in new ways. You really can’t get away from this neurodiversity word anymore with people coming forward left, right and centre claiming they, too, are ‘that’. As a neurodiversity expert I would love to demystify some of what is happening and make you feel a bit more comfortable with all this neurodiversity (or ND) talk. As there’s a bit of talking to do, this blog is part 1 with part 2 coming shortly. It may not surprise you that the term neurodiversity has actually been around since 1990s. It has gained a lot more momentum and use since around the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. In itself, neurodiversity simply means: neuro = brain and diversity = different or varied The reason for this term being used is that brain scans have shown physical differences in the brains of many neurodiverse people compared to non-neurodiverse (usually referred to as neurotypical). Most people who are neurodiverse demonstrate differences in their thinking, which can also lead to differences in communication and behaviour. These have and are still often interpreted as personal character flaws and wilful resistance to commonly accepted societal standards. In the next blog I will spend more time on the information processing differences people with neurodiversity often experience. Neurodiversity is an umbrella term for a whole range of different differences. You may be more familiar with them under these terms: autism , ADHD/ ADD , dyslexia , dyspraxia , Tourette’s , tic disorder, dysgraphia , dyscalculia (this is not an exhaustive list). These terms are diagnoses that have to be made by an appropriately trained health professional and are often framed in the light of being a ‘disorder’. The neurodiversity movement is pushing back from the word ‘disorder’ and would prefer for their differences to be seen as just that: different. People who are neurodiverse can have ordinary jobs, ordinary lives and ordinary education. What sets them apart is their extra-ordinary abilities and, sometimes, their extra-ordinary sensitivities. Working with many neurodiverse children, young people and adults I always use a strengths based approach. We analyse their strengths, which are very individual and not necessarily pinpointed to a particular label or diagnosis. We then work with these to overcome the sensitivities which can make everyday life a challenge or cause confusion as to why they can’t just do things the same as everyone else. In reality, it is the neurodiverse people who try their very hardest to blend in, to not be noticed and to mask their true thoughts and behaviours so that they do not get judged or rejected by society. I always highlight to my neurodiverse clients that they can’t do things like everyone else, because their brain differences mean they are not like everyone else. Attempting to mask all day long and worrying about everything they do or say all the time results in huge levels of anxiety and/ or depression. However, once they understand their way of working and can play to their strengths, they can get the same end results as everyone else if they go about it in their own, unique way and valuing their own unique brain. For more insights on this unique brain, please refer to part 2 of this blog .... coming out shortly. Contact us to find out more about ways we can help Neurodiverse young people and adults
by Marjolein Cleaver 09 Oct, 2023
Every year at WTS we get behind World Mental Health Day as; you guessed it, we think mental health is so important. We are passionate about encouraging everyone to look after their mental health. This year, we decided to hand ‘the pen’ (well it was a keyboard…) to our associate Marjolein who is our resident children’s and young people’s OT with a specialist interest in neurodiversity. “If looking after our mental health was easy, I would be out of a job” says Marjolein. “As a team of Occupational Therapists we often discuss meaning with people. Meaning is what motivates someone, what they think is the most important in life, what ‘makes them tick’. Finding the answer to this can be a way of unlocking a whole host of other things that suddenly all start to make sense. Why can can’t move on from this situation or why we prioritise certain things over others. Why we make the choices we make or why we feel whether we can make any choices at all. As humans we have an intrinsic need to connect to others. We are relational beings and often our meaning can be found in relation to others or in doing something for others. When we can feel that things are difficult, we can feel discouraged and disconnected from those we are usually close to. Life can feel like an endless series of demands to keep all the plates spinning and keep everyone happy. However, the only person in our connected and sociable world we are forgetting is ourselves. So, I would like to invite you to act on one simple idea. This year for World Mental Health Day I want to invite you to connect. Connect to another person. Someone who can help give you some meaning to the things you are facing right now. Someone who will make you feel like a human being, like you are seen and like you matter. Someone who will stop long enough to really listen or someone who will spend time with you and make you laugh. Give yourself permission to do less ‘doing’ and a little more ‘being’. Spend time with family or friends and just waste time together. Because time spent with people creates the meaning we need and the connection that helps us carry all the other things we do. Mental health is a human right, now it’s time to make it YOUR human right.”
by Rebecca Woods 15 Sept, 2023
“T hings I wish people knew…” Supportive Practice: Conversations with members of the childless community identified the following examples of supportive steps that a workplace can take: If someone is TTC (trying to conceive), are policies supportive? Staff undergoing fertility treatment may be required to take sick leave or annual leave for appointments & recovery time. This can result in work/life balance being even more difficult to achieve during an emotionally & physically demanding time. Also consider what an employee might need if treatment is unsuccessful. More awareness (especially in all female teams) of how making children / motherhood the focus of team “chat” can result in childless staff members feeling side-lined. If a team member is visiting to introduce their new baby, consider facilitating this away from the main / open plan office. This enables existing staff to have choice regarding their involvement. If this isn’t possible, arranging a specific time can again facilitate choice. On a similar note, recognition that not all team members will feel able to / want to attend “baby showers” or similar such events. Ensure that policies & practices are inclusive of staff members with caring responsibilities not involving parenthood. It is not uncommon, for example, for a care package to be cancelled or changed with little notice. How might this impact a member of your team? Everyone’s lives, inside & outside of work, matter. Further information World Childless Week - Further information about childlessness in the workplace and creating positive change can be found on the website University of Bath - Childlessness in the workplace – opening a conversation (awareness raising event) University of Bath – Supporting employees who are childless not by choice (information & resources) BBC - Do Companies lean harder on non-parents? (article)
by Rebecca Woods 11 Sept, 2023
September 11th – 17th is World Childless Week "Do you have children?" This may seem like a harmless conversation opener, but for some it can touch on some very painful experiences. A few facts ... • One fifth of British people AFAB (assigned female at birth) will not have had a child by their early 40’s. • One quarter of British people AMAB (assigned male at birth) over 42 will not have had a child. Terminology: “Childfree” Usually refers to someone who has actively chosen not to have children “Childless” Someone who wants or wished to have a child but can’t / couldn’t Sometimes referred to as “childless not by choice” Some find the term “childless” offensive as it implies you are “less” because you haven’t had a child Another term used within the childless community is NOMO – not a mother “Social infertility” or “circumstantial infertility” This refers to people who, through no medical reason, have not had children e.g. they haven’t met a partner A few reasons why some people may be childless: Fertility treatment didn’t succeed Miscarriage or stillbirth Partner didn’t want to have children Partner already has children (& didn’t want to have another child) Physical health (self / partner) Mental health (self / partner) Cancer treatment Early menopause Abusive relationship No obvious reason found (described as “unexplained infertility’) Things to avoid saying: “I know it will work out for you” (this might seem well intentioned, but none of us know the future, & we risk not hearing someone’s experience) “At least you get to have regular lie-ins / cheaper holidays / lots of free time” (consolation prizes don’t exist) “You don’t truly know love until you’ve had a child” (love is love & takes many forms) “You could always adopt” (adoption for many is emotionally complex & the need to be biologically linked to a child can be very strong) Things to consider: Pets or “fur babies” can be hugely important to someone who is childless & can be life enhancing. Someone who is childless may still have significant caring responsibilities (& within some families, it can be assumed that a childless family member is free to step up). “Parent” can also be a verb - to care about & nurture the welfare of another human being or animal is something many people value doing & can be a fundamental part of who they are. The childless community is diverse with needs that can differ. Further information: Communities The Childless Collective A community for childless people, including the opportunity to cultivate new friendships Gateway Women A support and advocacy network for childless women founded by British author & psychotherapist, Jody Day Ageing without Children Campaigning, information & support for people ageing without children Articles “I just assumed it would happen – the unspoken grief of childless men” (The Guardian, August 2023) “Not being able to have a baby was devastating – then I found people who embraced a childfree life” (The Guardian, April 2023)
by Rebecca Woods 18 Aug, 2023
The benefits of spending time in nature on mental and physical wellbeing are well documented. However, what if this is difficult to do? It appears that there are various ways of benefitting from the natural environment. One research study in the Netherlands found that participants viewing images of urban scenes that included “green stimulus” (images of nature) had lower stress levels compared to participants viewing images that didn’t include nature. In Australia, a study in which houseplants were introduced to office environments was found to boost happiness, and productivity levels rose up to 15%. Ways to get green stimulus into your life: **Consider having a houseplant or two within your living space & if you work, within the space you spend most time **Try placing nature/green images (photos. postcards, greetings cards, posters) around your living space or, for smart phone users, try creating a folder of nature / green images **Consider changing your wallpaper and/or screensaver to nature / green images if you regularly use a laptop or other device **If you are struggling to access nature, many local areas & parks run projects to support people to access the outdoors – this might include ‘Wellbeing Walks’ or other outdoor activities **To find a green space or park local to you, the Fields in Trust website has a “ Fields Finder ” **Many local parks also contain outdoor gyms. Find your local one via the Great Outdoor Gym Company (TGO) **The Ramblers Association have information about Wellbeing Walk Groups **The Accessible Countryside for Everyone (ACE) website has information about UK accessible spaces (primarily aimed at those with mobility needs, their carers and families).
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